Command & Conquer Single Player Mission ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Name : The Die Is Cast II : Alea Jeacta Est Level Replaced : GDI Mission 2 Player : GDI (obviously) Difficulty : Medium Note : This is the promised part II of the trilogy I was talking about in the first mission. Written by : Aaron Lye E-mail : Zip file should have : * savegame.999 * diecast.pat - CCEDIT v 2.0 or higher required * mission.ini * diecast2.txt ============================================================================== READ THIS : I am new to this mission creating thing.As far as I know,this mission is entirely original & no copyright infringement is or was intended. If there is an infringement,do contact me and provide proof of this infringement and the scenarios if required , will be withdrawn. ============================================================================== IMPORTANT : You MUST have CCEDIT ver 2.0 or higher for this mission to run. This file can be obtained at Andrew Griffin's website : http:/ For the game to work as it was meant to , no values regarding the MHQ (Mobile HQ) should be edited at all.Screw with them , and you might screw the mission (I'm not joking). INSTALLATION PROCEDURE ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 1. Use PKUNZIP.EXE to unzip the file DIECAST.ZIP into your Command & Conquer directory. 2. Run CCEDIT ver 2.0 or higher. 3. Use the patch entitled DIECAST.PAT and save all settings.Do NOT edit any values.Exit CCEDIT. 4. Run Command & Conquer (GDI).Select Load Game.Select "Alea Jeacta Est". 5. You're ready to go! GAME DESCRIPTION ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Basically , Alea Jeacta Est is simply designed.There is really little in the .ini file.However,it is sufficient for its purposes.As I get more proficient in writing those .ini files,you'll get more complex missions. Alea Jeacta Est is my second full scenario.If you didn't download the first mission The Die Is Cast , this is a brief overview : NOD was building a superweapon and GDI wanted it destroyed. They massed a strike force at the construction facility with their allies . Your goal was to lure the weapon to the strike force trap . Or was it ??? As for Alea Jeacta Est , this is how it goes : GDI Intel was wrong about the superweapon . That facility encountered in the first mission was simply a test site for the PROTOTYPE weapon . GDI Surveillance has discovered two superweapon construction facilities . Your mission here is to take out one of those two facilities . You have no Allied backup , but the superweapons MAY not be in working conditions . Whatever the situation , you are to destroy the entire base , but leave the superweapons alone . GDI R & D wants them for information . !!!!THE FOLLOWING SECTION SHOULD NOT BE READ UNTIL YOU HAVE COMPLETED THE MISSION OR ARE PULLING YOUR HAIR OUT TRYING TO COMPLETE IT!!!!!!! REMEMBER !!!! NO PEEPING UNLESS THE EARLIER REQUIREMENTS ARE MET!!! SOLUTION TO "THE DIE IS CAST" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ So , you made it here . Either you should be congratulated or chided.... Anyway , the NOD base is heavily guarded , but since most items are cheap , it should be no problem . Just use 7 or so tanks to scout the base perimeter then send in Orcas to take out the Obelisks , once the base defenses are gone, the base is a sitting duck , except for tanks and such . There is no infantry in the scenario , except for the engineers and whatever soldiers come out of destroyed buildings.The Hand of NOD is for show only , nothing will come out of it.Enough hints ? FINAL NOTE ~~~~~~~~~~ If you liked this scenario and would like to see the conclusion of the trilogy, do take the time to write a SHORT note to me to let me know what you think,and what improvements there should be in future releases.Since I've released this one , I'll release Part 3 in a few days,but IF YOU LIKE IT , LET ME KNOW.Then , I'd have some inspiration or something like that... E-mail : THE CONCLUSION OF THE TRILOGY ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ PART 3 : GDI's REVENGE - THE M1 Utilizing information gathered from the NOD superweapon,GDI makes their own. It's trial run leads up to the destruction of a NOD base.Sound like fun? Aaron Lye 11-3-96 (or 3-11-96)